
Berkeley fertility specialistDuring pregnancy, seeing an acupuncturist can enhance your experience and help you stay healthy and comfortable. Morning sickness, back pain, fatigue, edema and gestational diabetes are just a few of the conditions that can be addressed through the use of acupuncture, moxibustion, herbal therapies, cupping technique and nutritional counseling.

Each trimester has a “happy baby” point to prevent congenital or ancestral problems occurring in the newborn. In this section, I’ve divided common conditions by trimesters.

First Trimester

Morning Sickness

Morning sickness is one of the most common conditions to occur during the first trimester.   Rather than simply treat the symptom it is important to ascertain the cause of morning sickness through proper diagnosis.

I will check eating patterns, pulse, tongue and overall appearance to identify what disharmony is occurring.  The imbalance can be anything from “coldness” in the stomach to an overactive liver.


Fatigue during pregnancy is often caused by blood and Qi deficiency. Both mother and unborn child can benefit from acupuncture, herbal medicine and moxa which will increase circulation.

Threatened Miscarriage

To prevent miscarriage I give acupuncture and prescribe herbs to strengthen the blood and qi and settle the fetus in the uterus.  I will often teach pregnant women how to apply moxa  to pull up the qi and thus prevent miscarriage.

Second Trimester

During the second trimester I schedule women for regular acupuncture treatments twice a month to ensure a healthy pregnancy and quick and easy birth experience. Common conditions that can occur in the second trimester:

Back Pain

Back pain usually means disharmony or insufficiency in kidney energy.   In Traditional Chinese Medicine the kidneys rule the reproductive system, bones and joints. The kidneys are also positioned in the lower back.

During pregnancy the kidney meridian sends qi to the developing fetus which may cause the mother to experience weakness in that energy.

In addition to acupuncture, back pain can also be treated using a “cupping” technique (the placement of cups on certain meridians to “warm” the back.) as well as moxibustion (the burning of moxa)


Proper diet can be used to prevent or treat edema during pregnancy.  Regular acupuncture treatments specific to the spleen and kidney meridians will promote the flow of water as well as the flow of qi  throughout the body and relieve the swelling.

Gestational Diabetes

I’ve treated many women with gestational diabetes. Supporting and stimulating the spleen and kidney energy will often lower elevated blood sugar levels and prevent other problems in the pregnancy.

Fatigue during pregnancy is often caused by blood and Qi deficiency<strong>. </strong>Both mother and unborn child can benefit from acupuncture, herbal medicine and moxa which will increase circulation.

Threatened Miscarriage

To prevent miscarriage I give acupuncture and prescribe herbs to strengthen the blood and qi and settle the fetus in the uterus.  I will often teach pregnant women how to apply moxa  to pull up the qi and thus prevent miscarriage.

Third Trimester


Hypertension can  be an issue in the third trimester. It may lead to eclampsia or toxemia. Hypertension and the related conditions can be treated effectively through acupuncture and herbal medicine.

Breech Presentation

Breech presentation can be treated with acupuncture and moxibustion. The stimulation of specific acupuncture points can turn the baby into the proper presentation.

Delayed Labor

I often see women who are past their “due date” who desire treatment to bring about labor. Acupuncture can activate the blood and qi to help the uterus contract, relax the mother and allow the natural processes to occur.